The best way to learn PUBG mobile is, of course, to play it but the aim of this guide is to give you a bit of a head start. It would be a stretch to claim these are PUBG mobile pro tips but, for beginners, they should help get you started.
Get your setup right
Before getting into game specifics, you need to get your setup right.
PUBG mobile tips for setup
1. Power up: Make sure your device has plenty of charge or is connected to power.
2. Bright idea: Set your screen brightness to high - visibility is key, particularly on smaller screens.
3. Sound decision: It's advisable to wear headphones as being able to hear your opponents is vital.
4. Make yourself comfortable: If you're going to be among the last survivors, you could be playing for more than 30 minutes.
Top tip: The game is played live, against other people so you need a good internet connection. There is no option to pause.
Start me up
There are several game modes in PUBG mobile - solo, duos and squads. The best way to learn the game is to play solo, so this PUBG mobile tips and tricks guide will focus on solo battle royale.
You can choose to play in third-person perspective (where you can see the back of your avatar) or first-person perspective.
Waiting is the hardest part
After you hit start, you will appear in a disused fairground if you are playing the default map - Erangel. This area is where you will wait for other players to join the game. The waiting time is usually not much more than 30 seconds. You are armed only with your fists and 10 apples. You can attack other players but it has no effect. Similarly, buildings and structures have no real use at this stage.
Use this time to get familiar with the controls, jumping, crawling and sprinting. Practise throwing apples to get used to throwing grenades - you can toggle between high and low toss.
Top tip: Press and hold the throw button for time to adjust your aim - then release to throw.
Pick your spot
You start the game on board a plane (no blue Battle Buses here) and you will be able to jump after a few seconds.
At this point, you will be able to mute chat and turn off your mic if desired.
Time your jump
You need to decide when to jump. Some players like to jump early and release their chute as late as possible so they are among the first to hit the ground, while others like to wait, and choose their landing spot more carefully.
You can dive towards the
island more quickly by pushing forwards
on the control stick or halt your descent by
opening your chute early. Your chute will
open automatically when you approach the
ground. If you open your chute early, you will
have more control over where you land, but it
will take longer to get to ground.
Top tip: Open your chute and use
the direction pad to avoid landing too close
to the plane's flight path - this way you are less
likely to land in the same area as other players.
Load up on guns
After landing, it's imperative you find supplies
and arms as quickly as possible - without guns
you're a sitting duck.
The best place to search for guns and
supplies is in buildings and other structures
such as shipping containers. The best place to
loot is in areas with lots of buildings but be wary
that other players will have the same idea and if
you're not there first, you could be walking into
Your arsenal
For your first few games, it's advisable to
land near a small cluster of buildings and hope
that no one else is there while you stock up.
Unless you turn off the function, you will automatically pick up your first few items - until you have reached the most you can carry - one pistol and two primary weapons. After that, you can choose to replace any of the guns you are carrying. You will need to manually pick up grenades and some other items.
Getting to know the weapons is a skill you will learn as you play the game - for beginners, it's really just about trying them out and to see which you prefer. Bear in mind, however, that some weapons are better at different ranges and in tight areas and some weapons are single shot, while others fire in automatic bursts.
Protect ya neck
As well as guns, make sure you look for body armor, helmets and medial supplies such as bandages to keep you alive longer. Backpacks are also important, as these allow you to carry more items.
If you kill a rival, you will get the option to pick up any supplies they were carrying, including clothes.
Look out for air drops - blue crates that are dropped randomly from passing planes. They can be spotted by a flashing light as they fall to earth and a plume of red smoke after they have landed. The contents of air drops is random, though they can contain exclusive items. Be wary they popular with players and if you decide to take a closer look, you are likely to have company.
Top tip: On PC, wearing shoes make your footsteps more audible but there is no difference on PC.
PUBG mobile Playzone
The Playzone on PUBG is a circular area that gets progressively smaller as the game unfolds. Players caught outside the Playzone will gradually health until they enter the Playzone or die.
The function of the Playzone is to force all surviving players into an area for a final stand off. When you are outside the Playzone, a dotted line on the map shows you the quickest route to the.
The Playzone is decided at random after all players have landed on the island and it will be formed five minutes after the game starts. The Playzone will shrink towards the centre of the original circle at intervals throughout the game.
Basically, the center of the original circle is where you are heading eventually.
The red zone
The red zone is an area (visible as a red circle on the map) where bombs are dropped from passing planes. This circles apparently appear at random and are designed to keep players on their toes. If you are in the blast radius of a bomb, you will almost certainly be killed, though taking shelter inside buildings can help.
Top tip You might have to cross water to reach the Playzone, which means using a bridge, swimming or using a boat. Be careful not to get trapped on the wrong side of the water as the Playzone shrinks.
Treat you better
It's possible to go deep into a battle royale by staying out of harm's way and ensuring you're always in the the Playzone. Your approach really depends on you - you can spend a lot of time hiding and surviving, or you can go all guns blazing, looking for as many kills as possible. The best approach
If you're being shot and and can't return fire, try to take cover or get away. It's tempting to go prone (lie down) but this will limit your ability to move and leave you vulnerable.
Instead, zig-zag as you run and try to find cover. When you are sure you have a few seconds to spare, you can use any medical supplies you have collected to repair damage.
Listen up
Sound is very important in PUBG - hence the need to play with headphones. You can hear rivals' footsteps and judge the direction from which they are approaching.
Top tip: Bear in mind that almost every action you do will make a sound, even scoping in and out with a rifle. Bear this in mind if you are lying in wait to make a kill.
Motor heads
The fastest way to get across the map is in a vehicle. They are particularly useful if you need to make it to the Playzone fast, or get away from a firefight you've got no chance of winning.
There are buggies, keeps, battered cars, motorbikes and boats. Not all vehicles are drivable - some are simply map candy. Bear in mind that vehicles are noisy and will give away your position from longer range than approaching on foot.
Vehicles can be used to run people over. You can be shot while driving or riding but you cannot fire your weapon. You can apply medical treatment while in a stationary vehicle or moving boat.
Boats are dotted around the island coastline and can be reached with a short swim.
Vehicles will run out of fuel, which can be replenished using gas canisters around the map. Frankly, this is rarely worth the time and effort.
Our house
Buildings are the best place to find stuff but also provide strategic places from which to defend and attack.
All doors in the game start closed, so if a door is open, you know someone has been there or is still there. With this in mind, be sure to close doors behind you - or use the 'jump' button to enter via ground-floor windows.
Top tip: Unlike Fortnite there is no 'build' mode and building can not be destroyed, with the exception of doors being shot or blow off.
This is the end
Even for beginners, being among the final 20 survivors is an achievable target within just a few games but if you want to have a chance of your first chicken dinner, you're going to need to perform at the business end of the battle royale.
When it's down to the last handful of players, the Playzone is likely to be very small - and it could be in an area with little or no cover.
In this scenario, you need to make every movement count. It is important not to give away your position and, when you see a chance for a kill, act fast.
The best way to improve your endgame chances is with experience. The more occasions you get down to the last few survivors, the better you will become in those situations.
Top tip: If an opponent is holed up in a building, use grenades to force them to break cover.
PUBG mobile pro tips from players
We asked users on Reddit for their PUBG mobile pro tips for beginners.
Crackstacker: One thing that took me forever to figure out, and I wish I knew when I first started out: If you pick up a weapon and then drop it right away, you will keep the ammo (If you have a weapon that takes that ammo). It greatly decreases the amount of looting for ammo you need to do.
Also, your guide says you have to manually pick up grenades. In the pick-up settings menu, you can set it up to automatically grab them.
TestyProYT: Some drops from flare guns have yellow smoke.
twinshock: The tip I wish somebody had told me when starting out is to hot drop. I spent the first few months always going far from the flight path and dropping to small/unpopular places. Failure is the best teacher and dropping into Pochinki a few times taught me a lot more than all the games I won by sneaking around.